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Trade CFDs on stocks

Go long or short on the world’s most traded international companies such as Google, Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Tesla, Facebook and many more.

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Conturile clienților CFD-retail pierd în general bani

Trade stocks of major companies

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*The prices on this page are indicative. Prices for instruments with lower liquidity such as but not limited to exotic currency pairs, stocks and indices are not refreshed as often as commonly traded instruments. Please check inside your MT4 platform for latest live prices

What are stocks?

Stocks, also known as shares or equities, represent ownership interest in a company. When you buy a company's stock, you're purchasing a small piece of that company, including the right to a portion of the company's earnings. Stocks are issued by companies to raise capital in order to grow the business and they can be bought and sold. However, with stock CFD trading, it allows you to speculate on the price movement without needing to own the actual stocks.


How stock CFD trading works

Trading in stock CFDs allows you to speculate on the price movements of company stock without owning the actual shares. If you think the share price is likely to rise, you can simply buy it. If you think the price of the shares is likely to fall, you can sell it.

Bid and ask prices

Each stock is quoted with two prices, the 'Bid' price and the 'Ask' price. The bid price is the price at which you can sell the company's stock. While the ask price is the price at which you can buy it. The ask price is always higher than the bid price and the difference between these prices is called the 'Spread'.
Bid and ask prices

Go long or short

The basic idea is to buy (go long) when you think the share price will appreciate in value and sell (go short) when you think it will depreciate in value. You can trade stock CFDs long or short, meaning that you can trade rising as well as falling prices.
Go long or short

Stocks are traded in lots

When trading stocks, trades are placed in terms of lots. Where one lot is determined by the quantity of shares being traded. For example, one standard lot for Apple (AAPL) is 100 shares, one mini lot is 10 shares and one micro lot is one share. Check our contracts specifications page to learn more about the lot sizes for stocks.
Stocks are traded in lots

Stock trading involves leverage and margin

Stock trading involves using leverage, which allows you to buy and sell stock CFDs worth more than the amount you have in your trading account. For example, trading with 20:1 leverage would allow you to buy 100 shares of stock with only 5% of the current market value. Leverage can magnify potential profits but it also increases risk and speeds up losses.
Stock trading involves leverage and margin

Stock trading example

You decide to buy 0.1 lots of Apple (AAPL) at $200 using 5:1 leverage.

Trade size:

0.1 lots = 10 share CFDs of AAPL

Position value:

10 share CFDs x $200 = $2,000

Margin required:

$2,000 / 5 = $400

Now you have opened a long position in AAPL worth $2,000. Since stock CFDs are traded using leverage, only $400 was used as margin from your trading account. After some time, the price of AAPL moves and you decide to sell.

Scenario 1


AAPL moves up from $200 to $250 and you decide to sell.

This is how the profit or loss on the trade would be calculated.

P/L = (Current price - Initial price) x Quantity

P/L = ($250 - $200) × 10

P/L = $50 × 10

P/L = $500

Scenario 2


AAPL moves down from $200 to $150 and you decide to sell.

This is how the profit or loss on the trade would be calculated.

P/L = (Current price - Initial price) x Quantity

P/L = ($150 - $200) × 10

P/L = -$50 × 10

P/L= - $500

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Metatrader 4


MT4 a fost conceput și dezvoltat pentru tranzacționarea forex și futures. Pentru a permite comercianților să analizeze și să tranzacționeze piețele financiare, să testeze strategiile de tranzacționare, să dezvolte roboți de tranzacționare și să copieze alți comercianți.

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Conectați-vă și începeți să tranzacționați

Alegeți un instrument și o direcție, decideți cât de mult să investiți și plasați tranzacția.

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Conturile clienților CFD-retail pierd în general bani

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