Avvertenza sui rischi: i CFD sono strumenti complessi e comportano un alto rischio di perdere denaro rapidamente a causa fare leva. La stragrande maggioranza dei conti degli investitori al dettaglio perde denaro quando fa trading di CFD.
Trade CFDs on indices
Trade major indices from the US, UK, Asia, Australia and Europe. Benefit from low spreads and fast order execution speeds.
I conti sui CFD dei clienti al dettaglio solitamente perdono denaro
Trade global stock market indices

*The prices on this page are indicative. Prices for instruments with lower liquidity such as but not limited to exotic currency pairs, stocks and indices are not refreshed as often as commonly traded instruments. Please check inside your MT4 platform for latest live prices
What are indices?
Indices represent a collection of stocks organised by industry sector or country with their aggregate performance being tracked. Indices are particularly useful for monitoring the broader stock market's general performance. As well as providing a singular tradable instrument for gaining exposure in all the indices constituent stocks.

How indices trading works
Indices trading allows you to trade on the performance of a group of stocks without needing to buy shares in each individual company. If you think the value of the index is likely to rise, you can simply buy the index. If you think the value of the index is likely to fall, you can sell it.
Bid and ask prices
Each indice is quoted with two prices, the 'Bid' price and the 'Ask' price. The bid price is the price at which you can sell the indice. While the ask price is the price at which you can buy it. The ask price is always higher than the bid price and the difference between these prices is called the 'Spread'.
Vai lungo o corto
The basic idea is to buy (go long) when you think the indice will appreciate in value and sell (go short) when you think it will depreciate in value. Just like buying something at a lower price and trying to sell it at a higher price to profit. You can trade indices long or short, meaning that you can trade rising as well as falling prices.
Indices are traded in lots
When trading indices, trades are placed in terms of lots. Where one lot is usually the equivalent to trading 10 indices contracts. You can also trade mini lots (1 indices contract) or micro lots (1/10th of an indices contract). Check our contracts specifications page to learn more about indices lot sizes.

Indices trading example
You decide to buy 0.1 lots of the S&P500 at 4500 using 20:1 leverage.

10 indices contracts x 4500 = USD 45,000
USD 45,000
USD 45,000 / 20 = USD 2,250
Scenario 1

The S&P500 moves up from 4500 to 4600 and you decide to sell.
This is how the profit or loss on the trade would be calculated.
P/L = ((Current price - Initial price) x Position value) / Current price
P/L = ((4600 - 4500) × 45,000) / 4,600
P/L = (100 × 45,000) / 4,600
P/L = 978.26
Scenario 2

The S&P500 moves down from 4500 to 4400 and you decide to sell.
This is how the profit or loss on the trade would be calculated.
P/L = ((Current price - Initial price) x Position value) / Current price
P/L = ((4400 - 4500) × 45,000) / 4,400
P/L = (-100 × 45,000) / 4,600
P/L= -978.26
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Spread a partire da 0,4 pip
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Piattaforme affidabili
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Trading con microlotti
Fai trading a partire da 0,10 $ per pip, l'ideale per piccoli capitali e una gestione ottimale del rischio
Opera sulla piattaforma di trading MT4

MT4 è stata progettata e sviluppata per il trading su Forex e futures. Consente ai trader di effettuare analisi e operare sui mercati finanziari, testare strategie, sviluppare robot di trading e copiare altri trader.
Disponibile per:

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Bastano pochi minuti, ecco come fare

Registrati e verificati
Compila un semplice modulo per creare il tuo profilo e completa la procedura di verifica. Una volta superata verifica e approvazione, potrai creare il tuo conto di trading.

Versamento e download della piattaforma di trading
Effettua un versamento sul conto con la tua carta di debito o credito; i tempi di accredito sono brevi. Scarica la piattaforma di trading sul tuo computer o smartphone.

Inizio dell'operatività
Accedi, scegli strumento e direzione, decidi quanto investire e apri la tua operazione.
I conti sui CFD dei clienti al dettaglio solitamente perdono denaro